Anybody who loves japanese food absolutely knows what sushi is. The list of sushi can be daunting but basically people can combine seafood, vegetables and rice and anything into their sushi.
Some of the most common ways in which Sushi is made:
- Bara Sushi – The vinegar rice and ingredients are mixed as a salad
- Chirashi Sushi – The rice bed has various layers of fish and is served in a bowl called Gomoku Sushi or Iso-don
- Futomaki – This is a large Maki roll that has many different ingredients using Nori, which is a seaweed wrap
- Inari Sushi – Instead of using the traditional vinegar rice, brown, fried tofu is used
- Nigiri Sushi – Vinegar rice topped with a slice of raw or cooked fish, or vegetables
- Okonomi Sushi – This is home-style Nigiri
- Onigiri – This Sushi is made with regular steamed rice and rolled into a ball with other ingredients
- Oshizushi – Vinegar rice and other ingredients of choice pressed into a mold
- Temaki – These are cone-shaped seaweed rolls also called a hand roll
source : Asian Artmal
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